Clipp®, how does it work?

Clipp, tétine de sevrage
Médaille d'Argent CLI Paris 2023 Clipp
Prix du concours Fidealis pour Clipp
Clipp, tétine de sevrage

The Clipp kit

Patented teat and weaning collars

The Clipp Kit consists of a nipple and a weaning collar that stack progressively. Each flange will reduce the size of the pacifier tip, and is locked in place by a non-removable system for the child’s safety.

The patented Clipp® system won a double award at the Lépine International Inventors’ Competition 2023: silver medal from the Lépine competition and 3rd prize from Fidéalis.

7 weeks for a permanent stop

In the end, pacifier use slowly becomes more complicated... The child will gradually stop on his own until he stops for good.

Fonctionnement de Clipp, tétine de sevrage

A calendar to keep track of your family's pacifier-free journey and a diploma to reward your child.

You can also download your calendar, so your child can plan the dates, tick off each day (or stick on a sticker), visualize and take part in this big change to become a grown-up! The diploma is also available to show off this great victory!

Clipp® does not replace one addiction with another

This device is designed for children who show signs of pacifier dependency, or whose parents want to stop pacifier use easily.

It can be used from age 2, is recommended around age 3, and is strongly recommended for non-nutritive late sucking after age 3 and a half.

Stopping pacifiers is good for the child

D’un point de vue orthodontique, cet arrêt va permettre un placement correct de la langue et des dents, mais aussi l’élargissement du palais et la remise en route d’une respiration nasale.

Il permettra aussi une meilleure mastication et déglutition, ainsi qu’une phonation plus libre et tout ce qui en découle afin de limiter les séances d’orthophonie et orthodontie.


Prescribers & retailers

Are you a pharmacist, dentist, orthodontist, speech therapist or other healthcare professional? Would you like to prescribe or offer Clipp® to your customers or patients? Take advantage of special sliding-scale prices reserved for professionals.
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